Wednesday, July 2, 2008

She's Here!!!!

I am so happy to announce the birth of sweet little Ashlee!! I was so honored to be a fly on the wall for this special day. Stefanie had a cesarean birth so I knew exactly what time to be there, it was very convenient. They prepped her and then took her away to get ready for the surgery. Brent was a nervous wreck! He was such a thoughtful husband worrying about his wife.

When Stefanie was all set to go the doctor came in to 'summon' Brent. I love his look of fear and pure joy as he takes one last look back to all in the waiting room. He was only gone for about 20 mins. before he came back with little Ashlee.

Stefanie wanted me to be her 'eyes'. She wanted me to photograph all that she was unable to see for herself. All of those little special moments of first's. Once you have a cesarean you have to wait in recovery until you can feel your legs - that's usually about 2 hours. So I was busy capturing all I could until she finally got to hold her new baby. It was so special how Brent and big sister Amanda were able to weigh, measure, bathe, dress, brush, and hold Ashlee.

This was their second shoot in their New Life Series package, one more and then I can create them a beautiful album! Check out their maternity shoot here: Maternity Shoot.

Thanks again Brent, Stefanie, Amanda and now Ashlee! It was such an honor being your eyes. I can't wait to see how she's already grown so much!